EASY From Scratch Crockpot Refried Beans Because Tex Mex Wins ALL!!

I have been making these crockpot refried beans from pennies & pancakes for a few months now. This recipe is EASY, super versatile and a staple for any southern tex mex lover like myself. I kid you not, a pot of these puppies goes FAR and I have used them in everything from your traditional tex mex dishes, 7 layer dips, breakfasts, the list is endless. They freeze really well for those of you without multiple mouths to feed, or just one bottomless pit as I do. You can add any number of broths, spices or what have you to tweak this more to your personal taste. For us, it’s the addition of a few jalapenos to spice things up. Also when made according to recipe, this dish is entirely vegetarian/vegan/gluten free so you could take this to a pot luck and appease many different dietary restrictions. You can of course use this as a base for meaty, cheesy goodness as well. I cannot say enough good things about these beans!

Picture 048Frying corn tortillas fresh as opposed to buying them, takes just a few minutes and they hold up WAY better than their store bought counterparts.

Tonight’s meatless Monday dish will include some fried corn tortillas, topped with said beans, guacamole and various chopped veggies among other things for some badass tostadas.

Picture 051I tend to overdo it on the toppings as if I can’t have seconds or thirds…

I will take some of the leftovers and turn them into a very filling 7 layer dip for the husband to take to work where he is currently without a microwave. Endless possibilities exist, oh and did I mention cheap?

Picture 057Said leftovers. Top is the husband guy’s lunch for tomorrow, middle for my bean and cheese nachos for lunch tomorrow, and the bottom is huge container of leftovers to throw in the freezer.