A little Soboro Don and lack of posts because baby and excessive amounts of Thin Mints.

SO many thin mints, feeling particularly grateful to have a man who likes curvy ladies because things are getting out of hand. Damn Girl Scouts with their pigtails and matching uniform adorableness, they can’t be stopped. I was exceptionally lazy this time what with the eating of the cookies and attempting to fulfill the whims of a tiny overlord. I forgot to take any pictures of the making process and took a few mostly blurry shots of the finished product.


Tiny overlord laughs at mommy’s dark circles and frizzy hair.

This pin hails from norecipes.com I am a big fan of Asian cuisine and this is a big reason why, big flavor and simple production. I love recipes with a short ingredient list! When I was pulling the ingredients for this recipe, I realized the ginger I bought last week didn’t make it home with me. I also had no sake. There was no way I was going to bother going to the grocery store so I decided to forgo the ginger and substitute the sake with a rice wine (mirin). I did a quick google and read that if you substitute mirin for sake and the recipe calls for added sugar that you should leave it out or your recipe may turn out overly sweet. I also added some Sriracha because I may have a slight rooster sauce problem. My picture doesn’t do it justice as per usual, but this shiz was GOOD. My husband devoured two bowls very quickly and it was so easy to make. The mirin substitute was great because I don’t often have sake around the house. I will definitely add the ginger in next time because I imagine it can only add to the flavor.

Picture 006

Sexy? No. Delicious? Absolutely.