Eggroll in a bowl, yes please.

This dish is easy and absolutely tastes like an eggroll. Minus the whole fried part which I am normally a fan of, but the weight I am gaining means less Oreos in my future. I only mention Oreos because I ate an entire package of lemon Oreos over the weekend. I regret nothing, except the lack of lemon Oreos in my life at the moment…Oreos.

This recipe from would work well with ground chicken or turkey if you don’t have pork or you wish to cut down on the calories a bit more. This recipe meets all of the usual basic criteria, short ingredient list, easy/quick prep time and yummy.

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The bag of coleslaw mix made this super easy.

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Here is a blurry picture of what I started shoveling down seconds later.

Make this, eat this. You’re welcome.