Ruffles Marshmallow Treats, the antithesis of the “New Year, New Me.”

The inaugural post of Pinterest Junky comes from an easy and delicious place. I am stuck indoors, under multiple layers of blankets trying to stave off the grumpy boredom.

In an effort to convince my husband that the countless hours I have spent on Pinterest haven’t been totally in vain, I present to you proof…BOOM. Let’s not pay attention to the close to 2,000 pins I have already accumulated and focus instead on the almost 30 that I have successfully reproduced.

To counter all the healthy exercise/healthy diet business currently dominating your news feed, I give you instead this easy and delicious take on the rice krispy treat.

From, I am always doubling this recipe for any party/gathering and they rarely last an hour! A nice balance of salty and sweet as well as almost nothing in the way of prep/make time. These are a total win.

Picture 055Bubbly marshmallow goodness.

Picture 059Chips instead of Rice Krispies is the stuff of legend!

Picture 062AND…done. Seriously this is embarrassingly easy.

That’s it folks, 3 ingredients and 3 easy steps and you will be loved and maybe even a little hated for this recipe.

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